Club Information:

The English Cocker:
Breed Standard
Our Dogs

Supported Entry
Matches & Meets

All Rights Reserved



The objectives of the Northeast English Cocker Spaniel Club are to support the English cocker Spaniel Club of America in its efforts to:

  • Encourage and promote the breeding of purebred English Cocker Spaniels and bring to perfection their natural high qualities.

  • Define precisely the true type of the breed and to publish definitions, if any be necessary, from time to time; to urge the adoption of such true type by breeders, judges, dog show committees, etc. as the only recognized standard of excellence by which English Cocker Spaniels are to be judged and awarded prizes of merit.

  • To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the English Cocker Spaniel breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition in the show ring, in the obedience ring and in the filed, offering prizes, supporting desirable shows, obedience trials and field trials under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, and generally to do everything to enhance the study, breeding, exhibiting, training and maintenance of purebred English Cocker Spaniels.

  • To conduct shows, obedience trials, matches, hunt tests and other approved activity, under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club.

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